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Popinabox Buyer Protection

In today's online marketplaces, scams are unfortunately on the rise, especially in niche markets like Funko Pops and other collectibles. While many platforms offer basic protections, they often fall short, leaving buyers to navigate lengthy disputes. Our marketplace is different—we stop scams before they impact you. Here’s how we do it:

Common Scams & Our Safeguards

Failure to Ship Scam

When a buyer purchases a Funko Pop or collectible, and the seller fails to ship it, it’s a frustrating experience. On our platform, however, your money is securely held by our payment provider and not released to the seller immediately. If the seller hasn't shipped the item within three days, we notify both the buyer and seller. After seven days without shipment, we automatically cancel the order and return the funds to your account instantly. Additionally, the seller’s account is placed in holiday mode, temporarily removing all their listings to prevent further issues.

Counterfeit Goods, Incorrect Goods, Items Not as Described

One of the most concerning scams in the collectibles community is receiving counterfeit or misrepresented items. We protect you by holding the seller's funds until you've confirmed that the item you received matches the description. The release date for these funds is clearly stated on your order once the item has been dispatched. If you find any issues, you must dispute the transaction within this timeframe to allow us to reverse the transaction and protect your funds.

For new sellers, funds are held for up to 28 days to give buyers ample time to inspect their purchase. Trusted sellers with a positive track record enjoy faster release times, but the buyer always has the final say. Should you receive counterfeit or misrepresented goods, we urge you to report the issue immediately, so we can take swift action according to our Counterfeit Goods Policy.

Off-Platform Transactions

As per our Terms and Conditions, we do not allow transactions to occur outside of our platform. If a seller or buyer tries to lure you away to transact off-platform, it could be a potential scam. Our Buyer Protection does not cover offline transactions. Many scams occur when a seller encourages you to send money directly via a bank account or certain payment gateways. These transactions leave you unprotected and exposed to potential fraud. If we find any buyer or seller encouraging this behavior, they will be removed from the platform to protect our community.

Our Commitment

We prioritize buyer protection to ensure your experience is safe, secure, and hassle-free. By implementing these measures, we prevent scams from affecting you and handle any disputes efficiently, so your funds are always secure.

Being a Responsible Buyer

To help keep our Funko Pop and collectibles community safe and trustworthy, it's important for buyers to engage positively with sellers. Once you receive your order and are happy with it, please log into your account, mark the order as received, and provide a review. This simple act helps create a trustworthy community, improving the experience for everyone involved. It also contributes to your buyer score, enhancing your reputation on the platform and ensuring continued positive interactions.
